Portuguese Courses for foreign students in academic mobility at UFF.

What is it?

UFF’s Language and Culture Center offers four formats of Portuguese for Foreigners courses for international mobility students.

Online Crash Course

The course lasts one month (total workload of 30h) and consists of synchronous classes (through Google Meet) and asynchronous activities, for undergraduate students who wish to learn the language before coming to UFF. The course is also available through a virtual learning platform.

On-site Crash Course

Lasts 2 weeks (total workload of 30h) and is mandatory for foreing undergraduate students who declare basic knowledge of the Portuguese language. The course is offered at different times, defined upon the arrival of international mobility students at UFF, and takes place before the beginning of the academic semester.

On-site Regular Course

Classes offered through the Course Português Língua Estrangeira (Portuguese as a Foreign Language), code GLC00295, with a total workload of 60 hours, throughout UFF’s academic semester. The course will have the support of a tutor who will assist foreign students, individually, at predefined times.

This course offers a placement test at the beginning of the classes, to better allocate students among Basic, Intermediate and Advanced level classes.

More information


International Cooperation Office – UFF
Mobility Division
Phone: +55 21 2629-2005
Email: mobilidadeinsri@id.uff.br

Where we are

Centro de Línguas e Cultura

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