What it is?
The Portuguese Proficiency Certificate for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras) is the official Brazilian exam to evaluate Portuguese proficiency as a foreign language, made by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC).
When it happens?
Usually twice a year, during the months of April and October.
How is the exame?
- 3-hours long written assessment; and
- 20-minutes long oral assessment.
For more information, consult the Attendant Brochure, available in Portuguese here.
Proficiency Levels
Result | Grade |
Superior Advanced | 4,26 to 5,00 |
Advanced | 3,51 to 4,25 |
Superior Intermediate | 2,76 to 3,50 |
Intermediate | 2,00 to 2,75 |
Not Proficient | 0,00 to 1,99 |
Celpe-Bras 2022
Application Process
First step: Fill out the online Application Form and Questionnaire (available here), during the expected period of the public call, considering the Brazilian time zone (BRT).
Attention: Don’t forget to print (or save as a PDF file) your application confirmation at the end.
Second step: Payment of the application fees. For that, the student should contact celpebrasuff@gmail.com to request the invoice.
Third step: Applicants should send the payment receipt to Celpe-Bras Office at UFF to schedule the exams.
Fourth step: Assessments
Enrollment: July 26 to August 6
Request for Specialized Service: July 26 to August 6
Request to be referred to your Social Name: July 26 to August 6
Enrollment fee payment: August 9
Enrollment approval: August 13
Written Test: August 18
Oral Test: August 18 (morning), August 19 and 20 (morning and afternoon)
More Information
Cirlene Sanson
Representative of Celpe-Bras exam at Universidade Federal Fluminense
E-mail: celpebrasuff@gmail.com