Portuguese Proficiency Certificate for Foreigners

What it is?

The Portuguese Proficiency Certificate for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras) is the official Brazilian exam to evaluate Portuguese proficiency as a foreign language, made by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC).

When it happens?

Usually twice a year, during the months of April and October.

Where can I do the exam?

  • At Universidade Federal Fluminense;
  • At other Brazilian universities (see the full list here);
  • Applicators abroad (see the list here);

How is the exame?

  • 3-hours long written assessment; and
  • 20-minutes long oral assessment.

For more information, consult the Attendant Brochure, available in Portuguese here.

Proficiency Levels

Result Grade
Superior Advanced 4,26 to 5,00
Advanced 3,51 to 4,25
Superior Intermediate 2,76 to 3,50
Intermediate 2,00 to 2,75
Not Proficient 0,00 to 1,99

Celpe-Bras 2022

Application Process

First step: Fill out the online Application Form and Questionnaire (available here), during the expected period of the public call, considering the Brazilian time zone (BRT).

Attention: Don’t forget to print (or save as a PDF file) your application confirmation at the end.

Second step: Payment of the application fees. For that, the student should contact celpebrasuff@gmail.com to request the invoice.

Third step: Applicants should send the payment receipt to Celpe-Bras Office at UFF to schedule the exams.

Fourth step: Assessments


Enrollment: July 26 to August 6
Request for Specialized Service: July 26 to August 6
Request to be referred to your Social Name: July 26 to August 6
Enrollment fee payment: August 9
Enrollment approval: August 13
Written Test: August 18
Oral Test: August 18 (morning), August 19 and 20 (morning and afternoon)

More Information

Cirlene Sanson

Representative of Celpe-Bras exam at Universidade Federal Fluminense
E-mail: celpebrasuff@gmail.com

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